Hi, I'm Shae Leonard, and here's what I'd like to share with you...

Would you like to:
➔ Ditch your constant stress?
➔ Have all day energy?
➔ And FINALLY END THE WAR with your body?
If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. You see I've been in a place of fear, overwhelm and frustration with my health and with the lack of care for the WHY. I've dedicated my life to....educate, empower, and inspire YOU to take back your health and change your health trajectory!

But how can you achieve that all day energy, when nothing's worked for you in the past?
It's actually a lot easier than you think - simply by following the right strategy and step by step by guidance you'll get every step of the way, you'll see results! This program is unlike anything you've tried before.

Hormone Balance
Fatigued, wired and tired, exhausted with restless sleep, inability to lose weight, brain fog... sound familiar??
Are you tired of being told your hormones are "normal" or "you are too young for hormone issues" or "only birth control fixes hormones"? You are not alone. You deserve better. There is hope.

Balance Gut
Are you experiencing bloating, gas pain, irregular bowel movements? Have you been told you have IBS and there is nothing they can really do for you? Are you struggling with acne, allergies, aches/pains, inflammation or asthma that is driving you crazy? There is a reason, there is a root cause.

Mood and Energy
Are you anxious or irritable? Experiencing panic attacks, generalized anxiety, or toxic negative thinking?
Have you been told you are depressed and you need prescription drugs, but they never seem to help and often make you feel worse? These are signals from the body that there is imbalance physically, mentally and or spiritually.

Transformational Support
All access, private and community support from the comfort of your home or office. Weekly sessions and concierge access for on the go questions and accountability.

Specialized Lab Testing
Comprehensive, personalized functional medicine laboratory testing designed to find the root cause. Based on complaints and history will use stool, genetics, hormones, nutrients, heavy metals and food sensitivity testing.

Customized Protocols
Individualized health and supplement plans, detox protocols, mental health optimization, nutrition and fitness guidance all based on your unique testing and needs.
Want to know why most of the health trends or programs you've probably already tried DIDN'T work?
Most diets and programs don't work because:
➔ They are one-size fits all and not custom for you and your needs
➔ They lack the education and a deep understanding of WHY
➔ They lack the support and accountability required for true changes to be made and sustained
➔ They focus on a quick fix without addressing the root cause and how to maintain lifestyle changes long-term
This program gets amazing results because:
➔ It is for YOU and based solely on YOU and your unique needs
➔ There is no guess work. The custom testing and individualized approach addresses the root cause(s)
➔ The unparalleled educational content will teach you exactly why things occurred, how to prevent dis-ease and how to maintain health long-term
➔ The weekly support and daily accountability for questions and guidance make it easy for success and growth
And what about the 3 common causes of chronic disease?

Nutrient Poor Food
Processed, chemical laden food loaded with refined grains/sugars/inflammatory oils stresses the body, depletes nutrients, and looks like a foreign invader causing inflammation that leads to chronic disease.

Toxic beauty/hygiene products, plastics, pesticides, air pollution, heavy metals, toxic hormones, infections, etc all deplete nutrients, increase stress, impair detoxification and promote damage to our body and mitochondria. This causes energy and metabolism dysfunction.

Chronic Stress
Physical and Mental/emotional stressors can wreck havoc on our genes, biochemistry and quickly lead down a path of illness through impaired digestion, elevated blood sugar, inflammation and oxidative damage.
Imagine what it will feel like as:
- Your body starts to feel less inflamed and the aches and pains and extra weight begin to melt away.
- Your energy levels sky rocket and sustain through out the entire day.
- You enjoy deeper sleep without difficulty falling or staying asleep, and you wake up refreshed, ready and excited to start your day.
- You quickly and naturally begin to know how and what to eat for fuel, and you no longer have cravings or emotional binges, you feel educated and empowered about your food choices.
- You're confidence and mindset have done a 180. You are free of toxic thoughts and negative belief patterns. You know how to create and sustain mood resilience.
What would it be worth to you, to feel like you have energy for days, little to no stress and know exactly how to keep it?
Here's what it's meant to others...

Crystal R.

Nicole O.
"Before I started working with Shae I had been experiencing debilitating anxiety/panic symptoms so much that I refused to drive by myself due to having a scary panic attack behind the wheel... One thing that has been SO AWESOME is that after working with her for a month my symptoms have GONE AWAY!!!!! And all we have done is added in NATURAL supplements."

Megan C.
"I now know what I need to be doing to be my best self, and that feeling is the best feeling ever. Feeling like I do in fact have control over my health and my body. Working with her has allowed me to learn things I can apply the rest of my life for not only myself but my family as well. I am truly thankful for her and her time. No matter where you are at in your health journey, I would recommend investing in working with Shae!"

Taylor S.
Shae doesn't prescribe a "one size fits all" solution to her patients- everything is tailored and customized. I have never felt better. I think more clearly, feel lighter and more grounded, am more rested, my anxiety has done a 180, I'm sleeping deeper, and I feel like myself in my own body. I have the tools I need to continue this new way of living beyond the 6 month process of working with Shae, too. Simply put, best decision ever!

By the end of the HEAL YES Program you'll be:
- Educated on exactly what is required to reach and sustain long term wellness and vitality.
- Inspired to not only maintain your new found energy but to educate others and change your family's health trajectory.
- Empowered about your health and no longer living in constant fear, overwhelm or frustration.
- More energetic, less stressed, more optimistic and more excited about your health than ever before!
* PLUS *
I'm going to throw in a HUGE BONUS to ensure you feel educated, inspired and empowered forever!

Bonus Offer
The entire online HEAL YES ACCELERATOR course to use and have forever! 20 modules with videos of the exact educational content to reach and sustain optimal wellness long term!
$2k value!